Evergreen Turf Tips For Healthy Lawns in Arizona - 2020 Update

A Healthy Lawn in Arizona

Starting a lawn from seed in Arizona is not easy. The heat in southern Arizona and infrequent rainfall make it difficult for grass seeds to germinate. If you want a healthy lawn in Arizona, start out on the right foot by using sod. But you can't just choose any sod. It should be the right kind of grass for your light, water and soil conditions. The most popular types of grass for this region (Phoenix, Tucson and Southern Arizona in general) are hybrid bermudagrass.

Use our lawn selector tool to figure out the type of sod that's right for you.

You should also take into consideration how you want to use your lawn. If you expect lots of foot traffic, for example, consider one of the types of grass that golf courses use. For example, Tifway is very popular in the Phoenix area because it establishes itself relatively easily and homeowners can achieve a very manicured look with proper mowing techniques. Similarly, Tifgreen is also a popular hybrid Bermuda grass choice for Arizona lawns. It performs well with southern Arizona's low rainfall levels and high summertime temperatures.

Related: Top 3 Best Types of Grass for Arizona Lawns

In general, the best sod in Phoenix is a warm season grass. Warm season grass differs from its cool season counterparts by being able to survive in dry soil. Warm season grasses do not depend on spring rains to grow but can tolerate the high heat of the summer. Warm season grasses grow fastest during the summer months and tend to require less water than cool season grasses.

Related: How to Have Year-Round Grass in Arizona

In Arizona, sod is an excellent choice for homeowners because sod gives weeds less space, light, water and nutrients to establish themselves in your lawn. High-quality sod is dense and has a well-developed root structure that will grow into the soil of your yard. You should expect to have to water your sod frequently for the first few weeks after you install it and taper off as the roots become acclimated to their new location. The specific amount of water you will need depends on the species of grass and any conditions on your property that add or reduce moisture to your lawn.

If you're ready to purchase sod, be sure to purchase from a reputable local company like Evergreen Turf. Not only will you benefit from our local expertise; you will minimize your worries about the sod drying out or overheating during transport, and about any regulations concerning bringing in plants from out-of-state. After the grass is cut from the sod farm, you should install it within 1 day to achieve the best results. Prepare the underlying soil before the sod arrives on your property. Your landscaper will be able to provide assistance. Be sure to follow our lawn care guide to create a healthy lawn that will serve you for many years.

Seasonal Arizona Sod and Lawn Care Tips

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