When to Plant Perennial Ryegrass Sod or Seed

When you are trying to procure the perfect lawn, much of the science revolves around timing. Great things do not happen overnight, but when you plant appropriately, the right nights can lead to beautiful days and plentiful blades of grass.

Perennial ryegrass is an excellent addition to any Arizona lawn. With the right care, it can add value to your home by enhancing your curb appeal and creating a lush welcome mat that greets you every time you pull into your driveway.

To help you, we have created this perennial ryegrass sod and seed guide.

The Grass.

Healthy perennial ryegrass matures into a rich, dark green shade with a fine leaf texture. It tends to grow quickly and with little effort. It also tends to be very resistant to wear and generally tolerates disease and drought fairly well, making it suitable for Arizona's arid climate.


You can find perennial ryegrass throughout the United States and Canada. It prefers cool to moderate temperatures, so it's great for adding a green colorscape to Arizona lawns during the winter months. It responds well to soils with a pH between 5 and 8, but you will achieve the best results if your soil's pH is between 6, which is slightly acidic, and 7, which is neutral.


You will produce the best ryegrass lawn if you begin with a firm, weed-free bed. A seeding depth of 1/4 inch is optimal with seeding for the fall ideally happening between mid-August to early September and spring seeding from March to early May. You do not want to exceed 1/2 inch seeding depth. Perennial ryegrass is adaptable, but it does prefer fertile, well-drained soil.

Fertilizer is an important ingredient, but you will want to refer to the soil test before proceeding fully. This grass does tend to respond well to nitrogen, so keep that in mind when selecting your fertilizer. If you are seeding alone, you can generally use about 5 to 7 pounds of perennial ryegrass seed per acre. You will want to use about twice this amount if you're broadcast planting. In many cases, positive results can be achieved by following broadcast seeding with a roller packer.

Because you don't have to fear the problems that harsh winters can inflict upon this grass in other areas of the country, Arizona's climate can often maintain productive stands for well-established lawns for three or four years.


To maintain the healthiest possible lawn, maintain a mowing height between 1 and 3 inches. Split your application of fertilizer evenly between spring and fall using 2 to 6 pounds per 1,000 square feet per year. Because our Arizona climate is dry, it may be necessary for you to irrigate your lawn to ensure survival, particularly when the weather begins to heat up. Pre- and post-emergent herbicides will help to control weeds, but be sure to adhere to the distribution rates described on the labels of the products you use. Utilize pesticides and fungicides at labeled rates as well, which will help to control insect and disease problems.

Looking for a few lawn care tips to help your grass grow tall and strong? Check out our lawn care FAQs, and contact our team at Evergreen Turf if we can answer anything else!

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